Moulds, ingredients, sustainability, certifications: With us there are no limits on new product development. Whether it’s soaps, syndets or combars, we’ll work with you to define unique products that benefit from our expertise and meet your expectations. As a dependable partner for industry and retail, KAPPUS is a single-source provider of all services from recipe and product development and raw material procurement to contract production and detailed distribution plans. We unite tradition and innovation, guaranteeing top quality “Made in Germany”.
For processes
For products
Full Service
Innovation, Production and Sales
Do you have innovative ideas but need a partner to help you implement them? We have the complete skill set, covering all phases from development to production, making us the ideal partner for the realisation of your product. With comprehensive knowledge from over 170 years’ experience, we know the requirements of all major industry customers and of branded goods, trademarks and private label customers. We unite tradition and innovation, guaranteeing top quality “Made in Germany”.
Research and Development
What we make
Our Products
Our product range is not just about soaps, syndets and combars. You can also purchase our soap noodles for your own production. Our soap base production also includes a wide range of soap noodles based on certified sustainably produced raw materials and have various uses in the production of cosmetics and laundry soaps. They include soap noodles made of animal- and plant-based ingredients, pure vegetable oil soap noodles, or RSPO-certified soap noodles. In addition to processing them in our own facilities, we offer them in quantities from 25 to 1,000 kilograms (“big bags”) for additional processing.
We only use food-quality vegetable or animal fats and oils in our soaps. Traditional soaps, natural soaps with a high percentage of natural raw materials, soaps with high organic content, natural cosmetics, certified vegan soaps: all of our products are free of microplastics and preservatives.
Our Management
We are proud of our employees, who always stay focused on our customers. They give their best every day, passionately striving to drive our business success. The people at KAPPUS have known the market for decades. A loyal team and a strong foundation for lasting partnerships between KAPPUS employees and customers.
Managing Director
Rainer Gsell
For more than 20 years, Rainer Gsell, an engineer specializing in plastics technology, has been contributing his extensive experience as managing director, COO and CEO at multi-industry businesses where he has had a wide range of management roles in medium-sized enterprises and multinational corporations. Owing to his ample experience in restructuring businesses and in site consolidation in a wide range of sectors, Gsell was appointed as managing director by the new owners of KAPPUS GmbH, Ad_Astra, in April 2020
Head of Sales and Innovation
William Gemkow
With a degree in business administration and several years of experience as a consultant for manufacturing companies, William Gemkow knows about the complex planning required for production processes and process optimisation. Thanks to various operations-related positions, Gemkow knows the challenges facing production. His experience helps him to build the bridges connecting customer requirements with practical implementation. Along with his team, Gemkow is responsible for innovation, product development, KAPPUS brand sales, and account management for retail and industry customers.
Rainer Gsell
Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bringt sich Rainer Gsell als gelernter Ingenieur für Kunststofftechnik mit seinen umfassenden Erfahrungen als führender Geschäftsführer sowie als COO und CEO in branchenübergreifenden Unternehmen ein. Dabei verantwortete er sämtliche Funktionsbereiche in mittelständischen Unternehmen und internationalen Konzernen. Aufgrund seiner umfassenden Erfahrung in der Konsolidierung von Standorten in den unterschiedlichsten Branchen und der Restrukturierung von Unternehmen wurde Rainer Gsell im April 2020 von den neuen Eigentümern der KAPPUS GmbH, Ad_Astra, zum Geschäftsführer bestellt.
Leiter Vertrieb & Innovation
William Gemkow
Mit einem Betriebswirtschaftsabschluss und mehreren Jahren Erfahrung als Unternehmensberater für produzierende Unternehmen weiß William Gemkow um die Komplexität und Planung von Produktionsabläufen und Prozessoptimierungen. Dank diverser Stellen im operativen Bereich kennt William Gemkow die Herausforderungen der Produktion. Diese Erfahrungen helfen ihm beim Brückenbau zwischen Kundenanforderung und operativer Umsetzung. William Gemkow verantwortet mit seinem Team sowohl den Bereich Innovation und Produktentwicklung als auch den Vertrieb der eigenen Marke KAPPUS sowie die Betreuung der Handels- und Industriekunden.
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